B-QUAL B-QUAL B-QUAL is an industry established, independently developed and audited food safety program with product standards including all facets of production and service of the industry...
Latest News - Key Organisations
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) AHBIC is the national representative body for the beekeeping industry in Australia. Learn More What Our Members...
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Qld DAF is the governing body for beekeeping. Contact on 13 25 23. There are apiary officers who...
BeeAware BeeAware The BeeAware website is a hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity, the honey bee industry, pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops, a...
Agrifutures AgrifuturesHoney Bee and Pollination This program aims to support RD&E that will ensure a productive, sustainable and more profitable Australian beekeeping industry and secure the...