Latest News - Flora


EUCLID EUCLID Developed by the CSIRO, this is a guide to identifying eucalypt species, covering the 3 genera Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus. EUCLID is available as a paid app with a free version...

Honey Bee Pesticide Poisoning

Honey Bee Pesticide Poisoning Honey Bee Pesticide PoisoningA Risk Management Toolfor Australian Farmers and Beekeepers by Daryl Connelly An increase in the number of managed beehives available for...

Honey Flora of Queensland

Honey Flora of Queensland Honey Flora of Queensland by S T Blake and C Roff This book includes plants that are important to beekeeping in Queensland and northern NSW. It describes each plant, its...

Bee Friendly

Bee Friendly Bee Friendly A Planting Guide for European Honeybees and Australian Native Bees by Mark Leech This is a full colour, beautifully presented book on a large range of plants grown in...