Our Story
At 3pm on 18th August 1886, 14 people with common interests met together at the RNA Exhibition grounds to start a movement. That gathering started the process of the formation of the Queensland Beekeepers’ Association Incorporated.
We are an independent Association. We represent all beekeepers in Queensland and encourage all beekeepers, whether large-scale or small, to join our Association and have a voice for the future of beekeeping.
QBA Field Day 1956, Maleny
QBA Field Day 1956, Maleny
About Us
The Queensland Beekeepers’ Association Inc (QBA) is the peak industry body for Queensland’s beekeeping industry representing commercial and amateur beekeepers and is committed to ensuring the future of beekeeping in Queensland.
QBA provides a united voice for the welfare of the industry in Queensland while watching over and protecting the interests of its members to ensure an adequate return to the apiarist for their labour and capital in the industry.
The Association is run by an annually elected Management Committee, with each elected person being a QBA member and serving as a volunteer. This Committee represents the members of the Association and liaises with the general community, government and Council bodies, media, private sectors and all other stakeholders.
Queensland Beekeepers’ Association continues today in supporting the State’s beekeepers, assisting in the welfare of the industry and ensuring its future. Annual Conferences, regular Newsletters and updated information provides a forum for its members.
Our Vision
Our vision is that beekeeping is a thriving, profitable and sustainable industry in Queensland.
Our Mission
Our mission is to represent and enable an educated and skilled beekeeping members community who keep and care for healthy bees. Queensland bees will have ample access to natural resources and beekeepers will be directed by evidence-based and up-to-date scientifically backed research. The Association will champion Queensland honey, educate and direct policy that supports the critical role bees play in horticulture, agriculture and food production.
Our Strategic Areas
Healthy Bees
To ensure our bees have access to resources, that pests and diseases are minimised/managed and that pollination services are safeguarded.
Engaged Membership
Engage youth at school level; encourage pathways to industry for job seekers; ensure access to specialist beekeeper training and create opportunities for beekeeper development.
Peak Body
Strengthen the Association as the industry peak body. Develop an effective governance structure with accountability and communication.
Engage youth at school level; encourage pathways to industry for job seekers; ensure access to specialist beekeeper training and create opportunities for beekeeper development.
Our Advocacy
QBA provides regular feedback on a range of issues that affect beekeeping, from one hive in the back yard right up to commercial scale beekeeping operations. Here are some of the submissions QBA has made:
- 2008 – The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia – More than Honey. The House Standing Committee on Primary Industries and Resources inquiry into the Future Development of the Australian Honey Bee Industry. “More than Honey: the future of the Australian honey bee and pollination industries”
- 2011 – The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia – Senate inquiry into the impact of mining coal seam gas on the management of the Murray Darling Basin
- 2014 – The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia – Senate Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Reference Committee inquiry into the future of the beekeeping and pollination service industries in Australia
- 2016 – State Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee – Stock Route Network Management Bill 2016
- 2017 – State Agriculture and Environment Committee – Nature Conservation (Special Wildlife Reserves) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
- 2020 – The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia – House of Representatives Committees Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy – Inquiry into the efficacy of past and current vegetation and land management policy, practice, and legislation and their effect on the intensity and frequency of bushfires and subsequent risk to property, life and the environment
- 2022 – State Development and Regional Industries Committee – Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022
- 2022 – The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia – Federal Senate inquiry into the adequacy of Australia’s biosecurity measures and response
Our Structure
QBA has 5 branches: Wide Bay, Stanley Rivers (Sunshine Coast region), Brisbane, Toowoomba and Warwick. When you join QBA you can either be allocated to a branch or be an ‘unattached’ member if you live a long way from a branch or choose not to be attached to an existing branch. You will become part of the discussions about key issues affecting beekeeping in your branch area and beyond. Each branch has a representative on the Management Committee which is elected each year at the AGM.

What Our Members Say About Us
Hobby Beekeepers
Commercial Beekeepers
Total Qld Bee Hives
Bee Population Qld
Get in Touch
We encourage members of the public to connect with the QBA via email. One of our friendly team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.